More NSS Mailers!

Is it me, or do National Stationery Show mailers seem to get better every year? They are a way for designers to really shine and simultaneously build excitement for NSS, now a section of signature mix marketplace. Today I’ve got several lovelies that have been lighting up my mailbox for the past few weeks.

You can’t tell from the picture, but this one from 1canoe2 packs an awful lot of artistry into a 5¾”x4¼” envelope. It has two pieces, one a card, and the other a notched paper that folds into a barn! So clever. They’ll be in booth 1965.

Next up are “flash cards” from E. Frances Paper Studio. Essentially, they’re an A to Z guide to this whimsical, watercolored line. There’s even cards detailing the personalities, complete with adorable sketches, of three sisters behind it — Ali, Jenni and Pippi. Can’t wait to see it all in booth 2045.

I really like the letterpressed mailer from Ink Meets Paper; the envelope of which is shown kicking off this post. I agree — there is “perfect imperfection in the scrawl of a handwritten note or letter.” That sheet is definitely a keeper; you can also visit them in booth 1566.

I am so smitten with the wee envelopes populating Lemon Drop Papers — and you know there will be plenty of them to be dazzled by in booth 2240.

Our dog, Scout, is a Jack Russell Mix, but that doesn’t make me immune to the charms of Lydia & Pugs. From the looks of this mailer, they’re ready to take their show on the road! A business card from Owner & Creative Director Dawn Armstrong is in the Kraft envelope, and she wrote me a little note on the far left of mine. I am really looking forward to checking out booth 2825.

Every year Papillon Press features a different transportation theme on its mailer. This gorgeously letterpressed one features trains, and the company’s Chantal Bennett described the reasoning behind that selection. “This year Joel and I were a bit taken with old locomotives because of another project we’ve been working on, so that made its way into the promo,” she told me. I love how even the envelope extends the theme, down to the billowing smoke; check it all out in car, er, booth 1853.

This letterpressed mailer from The Pink Orange came in a beautifully calligraphed envelope lined in magenta, and the gold foil and pink stripes are so, so lovely. On the back it notes that the first 50 orders placed in booth 1870 get a pretty surprise, plus you can go here for a gorgeous, virtual sneak peek into the booth!

Last up is this really fun design from Think & Ink Studio. It’s printed on heavy stock, and I just love the color palette of pink, black and white graced with gold foil. The diamonds, stripes and fun shoes aren’t too shabby either. See them in booth 2067.


Thanks so much everyone for sending these my way! I have another big pile of mailers to go through that came in when I was ill — these are so much fun, so I’m planning get some more up before the show.

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